Community Centre & Community Hub

About the Community Centre

The Community Centre opened its doors in 2000. Since then, it has proven to be a great resource to have in the community and it is the hub from which all projects and committees operate. 

In later years, the old Parochial House was renovated and now provides an additional base from which the Community Centre activities are carried out and managed.

The Centre houses:

  • A number of offices
  • Large Function Room with capacity for up to 200 people
  • HSE approved kitchen which is used to prepare meals for our meals project – for more information on our social meals & meals delivery project please click here. The kitchen also prepares a lunch option for staff, trainees and visitors
  • Variety of training / meeting rooms
  • State of the art IT training room with individual stations
  • Training Kitchen with individual workstations for trainees
  • Provision of tea, coffee, soup, scones for trainees, visitors and staff.
  • Base from which our LTI Cookery Programme operates – for more information on our LTI Cookery Programme please click here
  • Rooms available for rental

Click here to view our facilities.

Services available at the Community Centre

To find out more about any of our services, please contact us.

Our Community Hub

The Centre offices are primarily staffed by Community Employment Participants and Rural Social Scheme Participants. Staff at the centre provide a wide range of supports to the community in the following ways:

  • Supporting individuals in the community who require support or assistance, or directing them to where they can find the support or assistance they need
  • Providing free training to members of the community requiring assistance with smartphones, laptops and computers
  • Supporting Mayo Abbey Parish Housing Association in their day to day running, and through the provision of staff from the CE scheme
  • Supporting Abbey Tots Childcare in their day to day running, and through the provision of staff from the CE scheme
  • Working with Local Link Mayo to ensure continued bus service between the National School and Abbey Tots
  • Supporting local clubs / organisations including;
    • Mayo Abbey Active Age Association
    • Mayo Abbey Foroige Club
    • Mayo Abbey Heritage Committee
    • Mayo Gaels
    • Mayo Abbey Church
    • Mayo Abbey National School
  • Provide support to Facefield Village and Facefield Afterschool
  • Provide support to Tochar Valley Network who in turn support 18 communities

In addition to all of the above projects, staff at the centre are always looking for various ways to link with the community.  Some of the services they provide include:

  • Researching and developing various initiatives to reach out to the community
  • Managing a community facebook page, which gives information about what’s happening locally, as well as about various supports available
  • Compiling the Mayo Abbey Community Notes for the local papers
  • Organising speakers to come in and speak about various topics that may be of interest to the community eg keeping your bank accounts secure, etc
  • Offering a telephone befriending service to anybody who may feel alone in the community
  • Producing various fliers and leaflets outlining what goes on at the centre
  • Seeking feedback from service users about what they would like to see here

Our Facilities

Official Opening

General Pictures
